Leadership Development

We can help you to;

  • Become a more effective leader
  • Understand and leverage your strengths
  • Embrace and utilise your weaknesses
  • Understand the six languages of leadership

Leadership Development

We believe that effective leaders must inspire their people, admire their people and perspire with their people.

  • Inspire – create a compelling “why” or purpose for your team, paint a clear picture of the future and be courageous with decisions.
  • Admire – be grateful for the work that your people do, show appreciation through words and actions, be patient, supportive and trusting.
  • Perspire – be in the trenches with your people, working side by side, be present, reliable and selfless.

To do this, you need to understand and implement the six languages of leadership

  • I am courageous – The courageous leader knows that being scared witless is no reason not to do something. They aren’t afraid to start before having all the answers and knows that if they fail they’ll survive and learn something.
  • I am strong – The strong leader makes the tough calls when required, calls out the unspoken and pushes their people to deliver the stretch.
  • I engineer the world around me – The engineering leader creates situations for their people to stand up and out, take calculated risks and lean into discomfort, all for their development.  They will use the environment to get the most out of a situation for all involved.
  • I abdicate power to others – The abdicating leader takes a back seat to the benefit of their people, enabling them to shine, fail safely and lead exceptionally.
  • I trust and am trusted – The trusting leader knows and understands the value of trust and builds trust as the foundation to every relationship.
  • I can be vulnerability – The vulnerable leader isn’t afraid to share their feelings as they know it is part of who they are. They maintain theirs and other’s dignity and builds strong connections with their people.

Leadership Teams can display many symptoms of dysfunction including:

  • Passive Aggressive Behaviour – agreeing to team actions and then doing their own thing afterward;
  • Team Conflict – this can range from minor picking or squabbling to outright war as well as office politics;
  • Business Silos – teams don’t talk to each other let alone any kind of team collaboration;
  • Poor Communication – limited or no communication between leaders about what they are doing and why;
  • Team Trust – there is no trust between leaders and this permeates throughout the function.

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